Interested to study abroad, but still need to get things straightened out? Please click any of our most commonly asked questions below, to reveal its answers.

Which country should I choose to study abroad?

Choosing a country for studying abroad depends on several factors that align with your academic, professional, and personal goals. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you decide:
Academic Preferences:

  • Quality of Education: Look for countries known for excellence in your chosen field of study. For instance, the U.S. and the UK are renowned for their research and liberal arts programs, Germany is known for engineering, while Switzerland is famous for hospitality management.
  • Program Availability: Some countries may offer specialized programs that are rare or unavailable in your home country.

Language and Cultural Considerations:

  • Language of Instruction: Are you looking to study in English, or are you interested in improving your skills in another language? Countries like the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland offer a wide range of programs in English.
  • Cultural Fit: Consider how comfortable you are with adjusting to new cultural norms, climates, and lifestyles.

Career Opportunities:

  • Internships and Job Prospects: Some countries provide better job opportunities in certain fields. For example, Silicon Valley in the U.S. for tech, London for finance, or Japan for robotics.
  • Work Rights for Students: Some countries allow students to work while studying which can help manage living costs and gain work experience. Countries vary in their policies for students who wish to stay and work after graduation.

Costs and Scholarships:

  • Tuition and Living Costs: Countries like Norway, Germany, and Taiwan offer low or no tuition fees for international students, but you must consider living costs.
  • Availability of Scholarships: Look into scholarships and financial aid options available for international students which can significantly reduce the financial burden.

Safety and Lifestyle:

  • Safety: Research the safety index of potential countries, especially if you have concerns about crime rates, political stability, or health care services.
  • Quality of Life: Some countries offer a high quality of life which can enhance your overall experience while abroad.

Visa Regulations and Stay Back Options:

  • Ease of Obtaining a Student Visa: Some countries have straightforward and more relaxed visa policies for students.
  • Post-graduation Opportunities: Countries like Canada and Australia offer pathways for students to apply for work visas and permanent residency after graduation.

Example Considerations:

United States: Offers a broad spectrum of top-ranked universities and extensive career opportunities but comes with high tuition costs.

Germany: Known for excellent engineering programs and no tuition fees for undergraduates at public universities, but requires proof of living costs.

Australia: Offers great programs in fields like marine biology, medicine, and environmental science, with post-study work opportunities but has higher living costs.

Canada: Known for a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, high-quality education, and opportunities to stay and work after graduation.

Once you narrow down your priorities, you can begin to research specific universities in these countries to find the best match for your educational goals and lifestyle preferences. Remember, studying abroad is not just an academic decision but also a significant life experience, so choose a country that feels like the right fit for you on multiple levels.

For assistance in this regard, feel free to speak to our international student advisor.

I want to move abroad for my higher studies, how can I get started?

Moving abroad for higher studies is an exciting decision! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Research and Set Goals:

  • Determine what you want to study and why you want to study abroad.
  • Identify countries and cities that offer strong programs in your field of interest.
  • Consider factors like language, culture, cost of living, job opportunities, and visa regulations.

Choose Universities and Programs:

  • Shortlist universities that offer the programs you are interested in.
  • Visit university websites to gather detailed information about the courses, faculty, campus facilities, student life, and alumni success.
  • Check rankings and accreditation to ensure quality education.

Understand the Admission Requirements:

  • Each university and program can have different admission requirements such as standardized tests (e.g., GRE, GMAT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS), undergraduate GPA, work experience, etc.
  • Collect information about application deadlines, required documents, and procedures.

Prepare Your Application:

  • Gather all necessary documents such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, resume, and test scores.
  • Start preparing your application essays and personal statements well in advance. Tailor each application to highlight why you are a good fit for that specific program and university.
  • Apply for scholarships or financial aid if needed.

Take Standardized Tests:

  • Register and prepare for any required standardized tests like the GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, or IELTS.
  • Schedule your test dates so that you have scores ready before the application deadlines.

Submit Applications:

  • Ensure all applications are complete and submitted by the deadlines.
  • Keep track of each application’s status and prepare for interviews if they are part of the admission process.

Visa and Logistics:

  • Once accepted, confirm your admission and begin the visa application process.
  • Understand the visa requirements and gather the necessary documents for the visa interview.
  • Start making travel arrangements, such as booking flights and finding accommodation.

Prepare for Departure:

  • Attend any pre-departure orientations offered by your university or external organizations.
  • Manage your finances, set up a student bank account, and understand currency exchange.
  • Make copies of important documents and familiarize yourself with the healthcare and emergency systems of your destination country.

Cultural Preparation:

  • Learn about the local culture, customs, and language basics to ease your transition.
  • Connect with other students who are going to or are already in the destination country, possibly through social media or student forums.

Starting early, staying organized, and diligently following these steps will help you successfully navigate the complex process of studying abroad.

For assistance in this regard, feel free to speak to our international student advisor.

What are the documents that I will need to submit along with my application?

Generally, most international students are required to submit- a valid passport, a statement of purpose, curriculum vitiate, letters of recommendation, transcripts of previous education, IELTS or TOEFL or PTE (English Proficiency Test), and GMAT or GRE Tests Score based on the course minimum requirements.

What is the overall cost of studying abroad?

The overall cost of studying abroad can vary widely depending on several factors, including the destination, type of institution, duration of the program, and personal lifestyle. Here’s a breakdown of the key components that contribute to the cost:

Tuition Fees: This is often the largest expense and varies significantly by country, institution, and program. For example, tuition fees in the United States can be particularly high, especially at private universities, while countries like Germany offer many programs with no tuition fees for international students, though there may still be nominal semester contributions.

Living Expenses: The cost of living can vary dramatically between cities and countries. Accommodation (whether university housing or private rental), groceries, transportation, and other daily expenses should be factored in. Cities like London, New York, or Sydney are known for high living costs, whereas cities in Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia tend to be more affordable.

Travel Costs: Airfare to and from the destination country, as well as any traveling you plan to do around the region while abroad, should be considered. Remember to also account for local transportation costs like buses, trains, or metro.

Visa and Insurance: You’ll need to pay for a student visa, which can vary in cost. Health insurance is often mandatory, and its cost can vary depending on the coverage required by the country or institution.

Books and Supplies: Depending on your course of study, you may need to budget for textbooks, lab materials, art supplies, or other academic tools.

Personal Expenses: Leisure activities, eating out, and personal shopping can add up. Budget for social activities and travel within the country to fully experience the culture and explore new places.

Emergency Fund: It’s wise to have some money set aside for unexpected expenses, like healthcare beyond basic insurance coverage, or travel home in case of an emergency.

Example Budgets:

Canada: Annual budget approximately CAD 40,200 per year. These costs are approximate and can vary significantly based on your lifestyle, the city you choose to live in, and your specific university and program. Cities like Toronto and Vancouver are notably more expensive than smaller cities or towns in Canada.

United States: Annual costs including tuition and living expenses can range from $20,000 to over $60,000.

United Kingdom: Expect costs between £12,000 and £40,000 annually.

Australia: Annual costs can range from AUD 20,000 to AUD 50,000.

Germany: Though tuition may be free, living costs typically range from €800 to €1,200 per month.

To manage these costs, many students seek scholarships, part-time jobs, or financial aid packages. Additionally, comparing different programs and countries can help find more affordable options. Planning and budgeting wisely is crucial to making studying abroad a financially feasible opportunity.

Will I be able to work while studying abroad?

Whether you can work while studying abroad depends on several factors, including the specific regulations of the country where you are studying and the terms of your visa. Here are key points to consider:

Visa Restrictions: Many student visas have restrictions on employment for international students. Typically, these restrictions pertain to the number of hours you’re allowed to work per week during the semester. For example, in the U.S., international students on an F-1 visa can work up to 20 hours per week on campus during the academic term, and full-time during holidays and vacation periods.

Type of Work: Often, there are stipulations not only on the number of hours you can work but also on the types of jobs you can take. Many countries restrict international students to on-campus jobs only, though there may be provisions for internships or employment related to your field of study, sometimes requiring additional approval.

Work Permit Requirements: In some countries, you might need to obtain a separate work permit even if you are already holding a student visa. It’s important to check the local immigration websites or consult with your study abroad advisor for specifics.

Impact on Studies: Even if you are legally permitted to work, consider how working might affect your studies. Studying abroad can be demanding, and adding work to your schedule might impact your academic performance or reduce the time available for cultural immersion and social activities.

Local Job Market: Availability of jobs can also be a factor. In some locations, finding work may be challenging, especially if there are language barriers or if the local economy is not robust.

Country-Specific Rules: Each country has its own rules regarding work for international students. For example:

Australia: International students can work up to 40 hours per fortnight during the semester and unlimited hours during semester breaks.

UK: Depending on the level of study and type of visa, students may work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays.

Canada: Students can work on or off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full time during scheduled breaks.

It’s best to research the specific regulations of the country where you will be studying or consult with a study abroad advisor to understand what might be possible for your situation.

When can I start applying for study abroad programs?

The best time to start applying for study abroad programs largely depends on the specific deadlines of the programs and the academic calendar of the destination country. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:

Research Early: Begin researching potential programs and destinations at least a year in advance. This allows ample time to understand the options, requirements, and application processes.

Application Deadlines: Typically, applications for fall semester programs are due between December and March of the preceding academic year, while spring semester applications might be due from June to September. Deadlines can vary significantly based on the institution and the country, so it’s important to verify the specific dates.

Preparation Time: Allow time for preparing necessary documentation, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and any required test scores (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS).

Visa Applications: After acceptance, you’ll need to apply for a student visa, which can take several months to process depending on the country. Starting early helps ensure you have your visa in time for your departure.

Scholarships and Financial Aid: If you need financial aid or are applying for scholarships, check their deadlines, which may be earlier than the program application deadlines.

In summary, starting the process early, at least a year before you plan to go abroad, is advisable. This schedule ensures you have enough time to carefully choose the right program, meet all application requirements, and address any financial or logistical issues.

Can I get financial aid to study abroad?

Although many international students may find it difficult to get a student loan to fund their studies, there are myriad other funding opportunities available to make studying abroad more affordable, including scholarships, fellowships, studentships, sponsorships, grants, and bursaries. Your chosen university is perhaps the best place to get funding information relevant to you. Many scholarships are granted based on academic merit and are highly competitive. There are also a lot of funding schemes targeting specific groups of students.

Do you charge consultation fees?

Orion-Polaris does not charge consultation fees for any of our services. We believe in providing value to our clients from the very beginning, which includes initial discussions and consultations without any upfront costs. Our aim is to understand your needs, offer guidance, and provide solutions that align with your goals without financial barriers at the outset. If you have any specific questions or would like to learn more about how we can assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What service do you provide? (Other than counseling sessions)

Orion-Polaris specializes in managing all aspects of university enrollment, offering the following services:

1.Tailored Recommendations: Using a comprehensive database, we provide personalized recommendations based on your preferences and academic profile.

2.Comparison and Contrast: We compare and contrast different university options to help you make informed decisions.

3.Application Guidance: We guide you through the entire application process, ensuring you meet deadlines and complete essential steps.

4.Counseling and Advice: Our team provides counseling and advice to address any challenges or questions you may encounter.

Orion-Polaris handles a range of additional tasks, including:

1.Visa Assistance: We assist in securing your visa for studying abroad.

2.Accommodation Arrangements: We help you find suitable accommodations in your destination country.

3.Health Insurance Guidance: We guide you through obtaining health insurance coverage.

4.Personal Statement Review: We review and provide feedback on your personal statement and other application materials.

It’s essential to have a clear understanding of what Orion-Polaris can offer before dedicating your time to the process.

What are the benefits of engaging anoverseas higher education consultant?

Engaging Orion-Polaris a higher education consultant offers several benefits:

Expert Guidance: Orion-Polaris Consultants have in-depth knowledge of the higher education landscape, including universities, programs, and application processes. They provide expert guidance tailored to your academic goals and preferences.

Personalized Recommendations: Orion-Polaris Consultants assess your academic profile, interests, and career aspirations to offer personalized recommendations for suitable universities and programs.

Application Support: Orion-Polaris Consultants assist with the entire application process, including document preparation, application submissions, and interview coaching. This ensures that you meet deadlines and present a strong application.

Access to Resources: Orion-Polaris Consultants have access to extensive resources, such as databases, industry insights, and networking opportunities, which can enhance your chances of success in the admissions process.

Financial Aid Assistance: Orion-Polaris Consultants provide guidance on financial aid options, scholarships, and funding opportunities to make higher education more affordable.

Visa and Immigration Support: For international students, Orion-Polaris consultants offer support with visa applications, immigration procedures, and compliance requirements, simplifying the transition to studying abroad.

Career Counseling: Orion-Polaris offer career counseling services, helping you align your education with your long-term career goals and providing guidance on internships, job opportunities, and skill development.

Overall, engaging Orion-Polaris a higher education consultant can streamline the application process, increase your chances of acceptance into desired programs, and provide valuable support throughout your academic journey.

How does Orion-Polaris offer all consultation services, documentation, and support online?

Orion-Polaris leverages online platforms and technology to provide comprehensive consultation services, documentation, and support to students planning to study abroad. Here’s how they typically manage these services online:

Virtual Consultations:

  • Video Conferencing: Meetings and consultations are held via video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams. This allows for face-to-face interaction, which is crucial for personalized advice and building rapport with clients.
  • Webinars and Online Workshops: They may offer webinars on various topics like application processes, visa information, or specific study destinations, allowing multiple participants to join in and learn.

Digital Communication Tools:

  • Email and Messaging: Regular updates, reminders, and communications are sent via email. Instant messaging apps may also be used for quicker, more informal interactions.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: These systems help manage client information, track interactions, and schedule follow-ups, ensuring that each student receives timely and tailored support.

Online Documentation and Application Processes:

  • Document Sharing and Storage: Secure platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox are used to share and store documents such as application forms, essays, transcripts, and letters of recommendation.
  • Online Forms and Applications: They assist students in filling out online application forms, ensuring all information is accurate and complete.

Support and Guidance:

  • Online Tracking Tools: Students can track their application status, visa status, and other key milestones through online dashboards provided by Orion-Polaris.
  • Virtual Assistance: Students can access support from consultants through virtual help desks or chatbots that provide answers to common queries.

Pre-Departure Briefings and Orientation:

These sessions, crucial for preparing students for their move abroad, can be conducted online, covering topics such as cultural adaptation, logistics, and what to expect upon arrival.

Ongoing Support:

Even after the students have moved abroad, Orion-Polaris continues to offer support through online check-ins and available resources to help them navigate their new environment and academic challenges.

By utilizing a comprehensive suite of online tools and technologies, Orion-Polaris can effectively offer all its services remotely, ensuring accessibility and convenience for students worldwide. This approach not only broadens their reach but also adapts to the digital preferences of today’s tech-savvy generation.

How do we get started?

Getting started with Orion-Polaris, typically involves a few key steps to ensure you receive the tailored support and guidance needed for your educational journey. Here’s how you can get started:

You can call or Sign Up for a free Initial Consultation with Orion-Polaris.This meeting will help you gauge how well they understand your needs and what they can offer.

Prepare for Your Consultation:

Gather and prepare to discuss your academic records, interests, and any particular countries or programs you are considering. Think about your budget, long-term career goals, and any questions or concerns you might have.

Attend the Consultation:

During the consultation, discuss your options, preferences, and any questions you have. The consultant should be able to provide detailed information about potential universities, programs, admission requirements, and the application process.

Review Their Proposal or Plan:

After the initial consultation, Orion-Polaris would provide you with a proposal or a detailed plan tailored to your academic and personal goals. This might include suggestions for universities, preparation timelines, a breakdown of costs, and a list of services they will provide.

Engage Their Services:

If you decide that their offering aligns with your needs, you can formally engage their services.

Begin the Application Process:

With the help of Orion-Polaris consultant, begin preparing your applications. They will support you in compiling necessary documents, filling out forms, writing personal statements or essays, and preparing for any required standardized tests.

Utilize Additional Resources:

Take advantage of any additional resources or services, Orion-Polaris offer, such as free visa application assistance, pre-departure orientation, or accommodation help.

Stay in Communication:

Maintain regular communication with your Orion-Polaris throughout the process to ensure that you meet all deadlines and requirements. Use their expertise to address any issues or changes in your plans.

By following these steps, you can effectively begin your journey to studying abroad with the guidance and support of Orion-Polaris. This structured approach ensures that all your bases are covered and you are well-prepared for your international educational experience.

If you don’t see the answer you are looking for, please contact us and we’ll be happy to clear up any questions you may have.